Best Putter Weight Disc Golf or Lighter vs Heavier Disc Golf Putter

lighter or heavier putter discs golf

There is no single “best” putter weight in disc golf, but there are advantages and disadvantages to consider based on your throwing style and preferences. There are two types of putters the lighter ones and the heavier ones each has its pros and cons a lighter or heavier putter is preferable for disc golf depending on several factors, including your throwing style, skill level, and playing circumstances. Here’s the Summary:

Heavier putters (173–175 grams):


  • They are more wind resistant and fly straighter in windy circumstances.
  • They transmit greater force at impact, resulting in a more powerful throw.
  • They have a more steady release.
  • Many professionals prefer this since it can boost certain players’ psychological confidence.


  • They require higher arm speed.
  • They drop faster than lighter discs.

Lighter putters (165–170 grams):


  • They need less arm speed, making them ideal for novices or players with slow arm speeds.
  • They stay in the air for longer, allowing them to travel further with less power.
  • Some players find them simpler to manage with delicate shots.


  • They are less wind resistant and can be easily thrown off course in strong winds.
  • They might not go as far as heavy discs, particularly in headwinds.
  • Players with high takeoff angles have an easier time flipping over.

Factors that should be considered while choosing the weight of the disc:

Here are some additional factors to consider when choosing a disc weight:

-Skill Level:

Beginners benefit from lighter discs for better control, while experienced players can manage heavier weights for longer distances and stability.

-Strength and Throwing Form:

If you have strong arms and appropriate throwing form, you may be able to throw heavier discs further and more accurately.

-Personal preference:

Ultimately, the best method to select a putter is to experiment with different weights and find what feels most at ease and comfortable in your grip.

Names of some lighter putters in disc golf:

Dynamic Discs Judge:

Lighter putters include Dynamic Discs Judge putters disc golf.

Dynamic disc judge

Westside Discs Harp:

Lighter discs include Westside Discs Harp putters disc golf.

westside disc harp

Gateway Wizard Putter Disc Golf:

The lighter disc includes Gateway Wizard Putter Disc Golf

gateway wizard Disc Golf Putter

Names of some heavier putters in disc golf:

Discmania P2 Putter Disc Golf:

Heavier putters include Discmania P2 Putter Disc Golf

discmania P2

Kastaplast Berg Putter Disc Golf:

Heavier putters include the Kastaplast Berg Putter Disc Golf

Kastaplast Berg

Do professionals throw light discs?

Lightweight distance drives (under 165 grams) are recommended for beginners and younger players. Experienced and expert players typically utilize discs weighing above 170 grams, particularly on moderately windy days.

Do lightweight discs go farther?

Research indicates that lighter discs have a greater release speed and increase distance by approximately 7 feet per 1 mph. However, lightweight discs might be difficult to manage in windy conditions. If you can throw a 175 boss at 375 feet, try a 170 boss.

What is the ideal disc putter weight?

The heavier, the better. In general, for putters, this implies 175 grams. Most midranges weigh 180 grams.

How many discs do most professionals carry?

Most pros carry somewhere between 15 and 25, but that doesn’t mean you should. Professionals typically carry a disc with a specific function, such as wind, elevation, or escape strategy.

Do heavier discs fly farther?

A heavier disc golf disc launched by a beginner will not travel as far as a corresponding lightweight disc.
Less experienced players lack the necessary arm speed and form to throw bigger discs with sufficient force. Advanced players often throw heavier discs further.

When to Throw Heavy Disc Golf Discs?

In disc golf, there are numerous appropriate moments to use a heavier disc, depending on the scenario and intended goal. Here are several important circumstances in which heavier discs can polish:

-Windy Circumstances:

A heavier disc is less likely to be carried around by powerful gusts, particularly headwinds. This can help to have a more steady flight path and avoid undesired turnovers.

-Hot Temperatures:

Hot temperatures cause discs to become more flighty and unstable because the air is less dense. A heavier disc will better withstand these influences, resulting in more steady and controlled flights.

-If you need Consistency over Accuracy:

If hitting your line repeatedly is more essential than accuracy, a heavier disc may provide greater predictability. Its better stability will reduce your chances of departing from your chosen flight path, even if your release isn’t flawless.

-Extra Stability:

If you need a disc to withstand late rotations or hyzer out consistently, a greater weight might give the extra resistance required to reach the desired flight.

-Skip Shots:

Heavier discs maintain more speed when they strike the ground, making them perfect for skip shots that can avoid barriers or go through narrow lines.

When to Throw Light Disc Golf Discs?

Lightweight disc golf discs have certain advantages that can improve your playing in certain scenarios. Here are some factors by which you can choose lightweight discs:

-Wind Magic:

When using light discs, wind may be your friend. A tailwind will essentially “boost” their glide, allowing them to fly further and maybe remain aloft longer. Enjoy the tailwind and let your light discs fly!

-Maximizing Distance:

Lightweight discs enable your disc to maximize the distance and enable you to stay in the air for longer periods.

-Cold Weather Companion:

In lower temperatures, plastic becomes harder decreasing disc stability. This shift has less of an influence on lighter discs, allowing them to maintain constant flight characteristics even as temperatures decrease.

-Injury Avoidance:

If you’re healing from an injury or want a more relaxed throwing experience, lighter discs can assist in lessening arm strain and fatigue. Enjoy the game without overworking yourself.

Final Thought:

Finally, the best approach to determine the appropriate disc weight for you is to try and discover what feels most comfortable and successful. Try tossing discs of varying weights in different settings to find what produces the desired results.

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